Going out and about with a toddler can be extremely stressful and can suck the fun out of any potential good intended fun outing. Can't blame them, who wants to sit still and wait for food much wait for anything else. With the short attention span and anything else that's the mood of the moment for a toddler. I set out on my own search for a concept that would be easily portable and tote quite a variety of activities to choose for to minimize the waiting time and potential tantrums.
I found a cute fairy lunch bag and found a few activities and website ideas to include that would keep the Little Miss busy.
Tongue Compressor Puzzles
Mini White Board
Paper Dolls
Little Stuffed Animal
Pad of Paper
Magnetic Clothes Pins
Magentic Fishing Stick & Fishies
Mini Bottle of Bubbles
Mini Books
Lace Up Cards
Flash Cards, Numbers, Letters, Colors
Animal Memory Game
Size Sorting Game
Tic Tac Game (To grow into)
Mini Place Mat Table Setting
Mini Snacks
So far its been working out great. I've found most items at the dollar section in Target or ideas online I've printed out and laminated. I keep the bag put away until we go out. To keep the items a novelty. I'll also be making a second bag to rotate it with activities to keep the element of fun up. One key thing I found also is to only bring out one item of fun till they get bored of playing it then switch it out for a new one.
Here's a few sites I found ides from:
triciarennea.blogspot.com/2010/07/fishie-mobile.html (Fish to laminate)
www.grandparents.com/gp/content/activitiesandevents/coloring-activity-pages/index.html?showfooter=1&gclid=COLt8NHMqqMCFQ8ObAodXF535g (Coloring Pages)
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