Monday, May 23, 2011

Kitchen Command Center

 I'm not a fan of paper on the counters, unfortunately that is how it helps me remember to do stuff so that is where the paper generally landed. Sorting file systems never helped because I still didn't see it to remember to take care of it and it became a mounting paper pile. Trouble! I was thinking how I could keep paper work sorted but where I could see it regularly to be reminded to get it done but hide the mess so everyone else didn't see it. My answer was to hide it on the inside of the kitchen cabinet doors with command hooks, clip boards, and sticky tac (for clip boards to not clunk). All the items are found at Walmart in the office supply section. To date the system is working fantastically and my counters are staying paper free!

Categories: Bills, Coupons, Food Storage, To File
Right next to that is my now organized home binders, for cooking, budget, home, etc.

General grocery list is kept handy with a pad of paper right where I'm cooking with a pen so I can write items down I'm running out of or low on while its fresh in my mind.

For our large medicine cabinet I keep a emergency contact list and then various FYI emerency procedures (CPR and frist aid tips) for a go to spot in case of an emergency.

Here's my reminder spot.

Along with my husband and we keep a handy mechanical maintenace log for him so he can keep up with the dates for the car stuff.

Here's a helpful clipboard tutorial:

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